Category Archives: About Medical Prices Data in the Philippines

Medical Prices Data in the Philippines – well-appreciated by Netizens

Today, May 29, 2019, I happened to visit my blog entitled: Medical Prices Data in the Philippines. I was surprised to see that this blog has the most number of visitors and views among my many blogs in I … Continue reading

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Intellicare’s Schedules of Fees for its Accredited Physicians – MPDP – August 2012

Intellicare’s Schedules of Fees for its Accredited Physicians – MPDP – August 2012 Posted on September 4, 2012 Medical Prices Data in the PhilippinesIntellicare is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) in the Philippines. Below is the schedule of fees for its accredited … Continue reading

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About “Medical Prices Data in the Philippines” as a Project of ROJoson or ROJoson’s Medical Clinic

Today, August 18, 2012, I officially start this blog of mine on “Medical Prices Data in the Philippines.”  Note: I have been intermittently posting medical prices data before in my Facebook when I started using it on July 16, 2011. … Continue reading

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