Ultrasound of Whole Abdomen – Prices in the Philippines


United Diagnostic Lab (Taft Avenue, Manila) – P1,200

Can we start this thread on the price list of Ultrasound- Whole Abdomen?
I like to enjoin my Friends in Facebook to contribute to this list so as to assist patients in deciding where to have the tests done.
I will maintain this thread on the Price List indefinitely.
If you have experience having Ultrasound – Whole Abdomen done in the Philippines lately (2015 to 2016), pls. contribute to this list by citing the place where it was done or is being done, the quoted regular price, and the date of information. Just put your information under comment. I will be the one to update the master list. Thank you.



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2 Responses to Ultrasound of Whole Abdomen – Prices in the Philippines

  1. Tonio says:

    How much it will cause for a whole abdomen ultrasound?

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